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When A Death Occurs

When a loved one dies, simple tasks may seem difficult. To make the process of securing a grave site as simple as possible, please follow these steps:

1. Initiate the process of purchasing a grave by contacting any of the following:

  • Your Rabbi or the Rabbi on-call for Jewish Social Services. The Rabbi will contact a member of JBAM.
  • A JBAM representative at the on-call phone number (608)467-3493. A representative will contact the appropriate Rabbi for you and help you connect with them.
  • The Funeral Director will contact the JBAM, or your rabbi on your behalf.

The role of the rabbi is to determine whether the deceased can be interred in Sha’ar HaRachamim, the traditional Jewish section, or Sha’ar Shalom, the more liberal section of the cemetery.

2. A JBAM representative will meet with you to arrange for selection of the grave site and to complete the plot purchase. JBAM will relay this information to Sunset Memory Gardens, facilitate contact with their representative, and remind you to contact Cress Funeral Home, or the funeral parlor of your choice, if they have not been contacted already.

Information about Funerals at Beit Olamim
The process, procedure, and completeness of burials, including filling of the grave are left to the officiating Rabbi and the family of the deceased. Please note that Sunset Memory Gardens expects that a graveside funeral or internment will be completed within 60 minutes of the start time. In addition, we have access for 30 minutes prior to the start time. If longer is expected, the officiating Rabbi should notify the cemetery; there might be an additional cemetery fee.

Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785